Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Lesson

Sylvia has such a bad attitude towards Miss Moore, because she doesn’t want to be shown that she is poor. She doesn’t want to be taught the lesson that she is more towards the poverty side then the wealthy side. She wants to be wealthy and is jealous of people who are and don’t deserve it. She doesn’t want to be introduced to the “rich world”. Since Miss. Moore got her degree from collage Sylvia thinks that Miss Moore is trying to act above her. She treats Miss Moore this way, because she realizes throughout the story that she wants the luxurious lifestyle and she wants those expensive toys from F.A.O. Swartz. She knows that her family could never afford something like that and her mother would laugh in her face if she ever asked for it, but she is envious of it. Sylvia has sparked a question about the “lesson” in the story “money ain't divided up right in this country.” She envies Miss Moore because of it and that’s where her attitude comes from.

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